Early one Tuesday…

Mood: Good, but tired. Had really weird dreams. Colorful.
Listening to: Brothers Johnson – Strawberry Letter 23. Very catchy and funky. If you’ve seen “Jackie Brown” (one of my favorites) you can hear it while Samuel L Jackson drives around with Boumont in the trunk.

So yeah.
I had decided to do an entry yesterday, but I took a shower first. When I got out of the shower and got all dry and stuff, hair poofy for three seconds, I got an sms from a friend of mine asking me if I wanted to go to Sweden with her and a friend we have in common. So, L, B and I went to Sweden. Because… The only other thing I had to do at home was the laundry.. and I already did that this morning. The first thing we did in Sweden was to go to Aram Restaurant (Shout out! WOOT!) and had lunch. We usually do Kebab pizza, but this time we wanted to change it up. So we had hamburgers. So good.
Next we went to the “junk house”, so called because they have a lot of junk… but also a lot of cool things. We found Nemo there, so people, you can stop looking for him/her.. I put her, because he’s a clown fish, and he should be the age now where he changes gender. It all depends, tho, if the ruling male or female fish has died. It’s not important.. never mind… Let’s just say he was found and he’s well.
After that we went to the mall and shopping. The first thing I got was painkillers. I’ll write more about that later in the entry. Then I bought some underwear. Always nice to get some new things. The jewelery store had a sale, so I got loads of new bracelets, one ring and two necklaces, all for the sum of 160 kr. The REAL price for everything would have been 624 kr. I think I made a great deal.
Then I got new socks. Ankle socks. Spring is coming, and almost all the old ones I had were all mingy and icky. These were soft and NEON COLORED!!! How could I not get them?!?! After I knit the neon colored wrist warmers I’ll be golden. XD
Eventually we went to the grocery store where I found dumplings! I’ve wanted to make those for ages, but I don’t know where to get those dumpling wraps… unless I go all the way to Askim, and I hardly ever do. So I’ll try to make pod stickers. *squee*
On our way home we stopped at McDonald’s (Yes, I know.. but I didn’t get the no-taste hamburger) for Chili Cheese tops. So effing good!

Then we went home and all was good.

And now over to the painkillers.
Last week, on Wednesday, Jan came home from work, night shift, so it was like 7:30 am. He said his legs was hurting so bad that he needed to get it checked out by a doctor. His leg had been hurting since that Monday.
He called when the office opened, at 8am and got an appointment at 9am. He came home at 9:40am, said he was being send on to Fredrikstad Akutten (Fredrikstad A & E) to have an ultrasound and take tests and stuff. The taxi was picking him up at 10am. So.. from then till we got the test results at 2:35 pm I was dissolved in tears. I couldn’t stop crying; I was so scared what it might be. My rational mind kept telling me he’d be fine. He’s had it before and he got painkillers for it and he was fine. But then the asshole mind kept chiming in “Yeah.. but what if!”… and it was winning all the time. I took a shower and stood there, bawling my eyes out, screaming, sobbing, struggling to breath.
But yeah.. his test results (blood test etc.) said he was fine. There was nothing wrong. And the Ultrasound backed that up. He had clear veins from his groin all the way down to his toes. When I got the call of him telling me he was OK I was alright again. No more tears.

Also, yesterday, before I went to Sweden, I was playing a little Minecraft.
When I spawned at my house I could see that there was something wrong. All my art was gone. So I announced that someone had stolen my art, and Elew2 asked if I meant plagiarized or burglary. I had to inform him that it was indeed burglary. So I went on a little wander about the island, saw a pole outside my house I had no idea what was for, went to the stable and we suddenly had cows and all the sheep were gone. Even Disco sheep… and the horses. I was outraged!
Elew2 again informed me that an admin had done some experiments by the island because it was something… It was fucked up, is what it was!
I was pissed.. and I really didn’t want to go on. So I kinda rage quit and went to watch the GameFront Minecraft episode instead.
That was also something I wanted to write about in the blog entry, but then the Sweden trip took head billing.

The reason I didn’t write about Jan before is because I didn’t want Camilla to find out by reading it. I don’t know if she reads my blog, but still.. what a terrible way to find out. So Jan called her… and then it wasn’t really a pressing matter.

Things are good. I’m hungry. I’ll try to update more often. 😛

Be utterly excellent to each other.


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