Monthly Archives: May 2009

It had to happen…

Mood: Slighty pissed off
Listening to: Nothing, not in the mood…

We finally found out if Jan got the job or not…. He didn’t… Why?
Because the one who got the job will need Jan as his right hand man… And that Jan was the best right hand man they had there. And that with all the changes in store he’d need all the help he could get.
I know.. it’s totally fucked up.

I, personally, think that Jan didn’t get the job because he’s been working there for too long and he’d make too much money. The “kid” who got the job is younger than ME!
I know, I know… “How can Lene know that the guy isn’t the right guy for the job? The people who work there must know what they are talking about…”
I’ll have you know that I’ve worked at the factory, I’ve worked with the dude… and even though I haven’t worked with him for over 4 years, I don’t think he’d the right dude for the job.And the people who work there haven’t got a clue…
By them not hiring Jan is a clear example of how inept they are at hiring people… By hiring Jan’s foreman (the one that’s there now.. not the new one) they show how inept they are at hiring people.
And by keeping so so so many people who shouldn’t even BE at the factory shows how inept they are at the whole running a well oiled machinery thing.

They fire people who shouldn’t be fired and keeping/hire people who have no business there.
And before you guys start giving me crap about “oh, she’s just pissed she got fired”
I didn’t get fired.. As a temp I was just.. not used… But I had been working there for three years and I SHOULD have been hired. I would have done a damned good job too.  But they, again, fucked up by hiring people who shouldn’t be hired… and I got screwed over for it.
But on the other hand… If they hadn’t stopped using me I wouldn’t have gotten the job I had last summer.. the best job in the world…

Anyways… I’ve made buns today…
I didn’t make them yesterday… I had a bad case of lazy…

My Buns

My Buns

But on the bright side… they didn’t hire the other dick face OR the chick. So they were right there. I’ll give them that.
And I have to say they were delicious.
I have never made buns that big before.  And even though I screwed up a little with the kneading and stuff before it got the 50 min of rest to swell… they turned out great… =D
So at least something good came out of this..

Anyways… I just needed to vent…
Although, I have been venting to everyone who wants to listen… and so far it’s only Jan, Camilla and Ellie…
Jan vent back just as much, understandably… Camilla is.. well… idk… upset that he didn’t get the job, but not like it’s gonna ruin her life… as it shouldn’t.. lol
And Ellie agrees with me. He should have gotten the job.. Especially since her dad didn’t get the job he applied for.
But then Carma is a bitch, and things will come back to bite people in the ass…
We’ll see how good a choice they made… I know they made a poor one… I hope for their sake I’m wrong, but I know I’m not…


Its not growing!!!!

Mood: Oh, so goooood…
Listening to: Watching tv… so it’s an australian lady working for the Australian Boadercontroll.. the show… you know… if you don’t then… too bad for you… It’s a good show.. very interesting…

My Venus Flytrap isn’t growing…
I planted the seeds like two weeks ago, and I haven’t seen anything yet… 🙁
It should start to buud soon, I hope…
I know that it says that it’ll take 4-6 weeks… but I should see some kinda of sign of life… right?
Ugh, I suck at growing things…
The groing house thingie I had… I planted, as I’ve said before, strawberries and herbs… The bloody thing blew over right as my basil started to bud, and  haven’t picked it up yet..
I really should, tho.. because I need parcley and koriander/celanthro…

Well.. *sighs*
Since last time nothing really major has happened…
Well, apart from my friend Matt had his bday..
I told him on his bday too.. but it’s always nice to REMEMBER things like that… *cough*

I also have plans of making rolls today.. .
And f I do I will post a picture.

Oh, and Jan, my beloved, was supposed to go to Germany on a work thingie today. He got a emergency passport and everything… yesterday he asked the guys he was traveling with if they should travel toether to work and then travel on to the airport, and that’s when he found out that the trip has been postponed. Till NEXT wedensday.
So yeah… all the plans I made for lounging around in my Spa towel has been postponed till wedensday next week… and that’s fine.
Gives me, also, more time to charge my camera.. Jan is borrowing it when he goes, and stuff.
And here we were stressing to get everything he need to travel.. Even got his doctor to write out a thingie for his hip… he later called the hospital he had his last check up on the hip and asked if they could send him a more professional looking thingie for his hip to show costumes or the metal detector thingie at the airport.. In norway it’s easy to show.. in germany it’s harder since the note is in norwegian… but there shouldn’t be a problem saying “I have a false hip joint” and show them the scar.
AAAND!!! His work is looking for a new foreman for his shift.. and he did apply… yesterday he had his second interview.
To be honest. If he doesn’t get it there is something wrong with the people who decides. He is clearly the best choise. Especially if they pick the chick from the confection department. She, I believe, has no idea what he mashines downstairs in the main factory area does. They need someone who knows, and Jan does. He even knows how to operate the mashines in the confection area… And he usually doesn’t work up there.
Well… They’ll deside who gets the job this week… and I know who it should be.
He was passed over before and a butt licking YES man got the job instead.
He’s the kind of guy who favours some people and spend the whole working day talking to them instead of actally working. And goes to sleep in the middle of a night shift.
Oh well.. not my problem…

Anyways.. I should get dressed…
Post picture later if I bake…


The day after the day…..

Mood: Sooooo goooood… <3
Listening to: Dr. Phil.. well, really some dudes in San Quintin jail thingie…

So.. the day being today… and yesterday being Norways constiturion/National day..
Usually you go watch parades, people waving flags, the norwegian flag, of course (although, seeing as norway is vastly multicultural, you can actually wave the flag of your birthcountry, if you want to), eat ice cream, hot dogs, other bbq food, getting all stressed and stuff. But not me and my Jan. We were relaxing at home, enjoying the peace and quiet, celebratin his birthday and Norways national day..
The kids came by and gave him gift; an air compression set thingie. He got a huge air compressor thingie from his dad a few days ago. He had extra and wondered if he wanted an old one, and since we needed one and he really wanted one, he said yes. So yes, perfect gift. I, however, haven’t been able to give him anything yet, because… well… I’m skint. But when I do get me some money, I will figure something out. It’s really hard thought, because he never really wants anything. But I think I know what I could get, but I won’t say that here… he might read it and that’ll ruin the surprise.

A nationa holiday is a wonderful way of playing catch-up wwith your family. Since I live across the country from where the rest of my close family live, I’ve been bad and let the phone go cold when it comes to communicating with them. But from what I understood while talking to my mother, she’s been busy. My dad is still going on.. doing exams for work and stuff… and my brother… well, I didn’t get to talk too much with him. He was busy making dinner… pfft.. dinner… HUH! Who needs food when they can talk to me instead. Alot more interesting… although, it was steak and potatoes au gratan… so I don’t blame him.
In other news…
for all those who live in Europe, I’m sure you’re familiar with the Eurovision song contest. For the rest of the world. If you haven’t heard about it; It’s a song contest between all the countries in europe. Although, I didn’t know Russia was a part of Europe, but I guess I’m learning all the time…
So yeah… the final of the song contest was on the 16th… that’s saturday… and Norway won. Why? Got me… The song was… horrible. I don’t even understand why it it won the norwegian song contest to figure out which song was to compeet in he final…
I’m really disapointed in the horrible taste the european people have when it comes to songs. Whatever happened to the good old days when Johnny Logan sang “Hold me now”? Of Abba.. or.. Johnny Logan… those were the days. And I wasn’t even born when Abba won… I don’t think… :S
I guess I’m the one who doesn’t have any taste. Or maybe the fact that I really don’t like the Eurovision Song Constest is clouding my judgement. I seriously don’t see the point. Of course it helps with the nabouring country feely goodie about whatever… but.. I still don’t get it.

Well, I got serious cramps now, so I’m gonna go take a pain killer and have a tiny flomp on the couch… or just skip the pain killer and do some acupressure…


Venus Fly Trap

Mood: Happy happy lovielovie
Listening to: *tap tap tap*

This is kinda a project, but still not…
I finally got my Venus Fly Trap… but I have to grow it myself.. and there in lays the project bit…
If I can manage to keep my seeds and shit alive for 4-6 weeks.. I’ll get a Venus fly trap..
It really is adorable… it comes with its own pot… and a block of compost… add some water and poof, the thing swells up to triple the original size… very cool XD

There will be more pictures as it comes along… and those will be posted under this one… so it’ll be one continued “story” of how I manage to kill yet another plant… However.. I REALLY hope I manage to keep this one alive…
At least long enough to feed it at least ONE fly…

I didn’t even get it to bud. The thing died long ago…
I don’t know where I went wrong, but I know I did something… Would have been nice to make it grow…
But then I don’t have green thumbs… *sighs*

Quiet Sunday…day…

Mood:: relaxed
Listening to: birds singing

I really don’t know what to talk about today. I just had this sudden urge to blog.

Right now I’m watching the Roloff  Little people, Big world thing… and well… it’s a nice show.

The next show will be Jon & Kate plus 8… Those kids are so adoable. But eight kids… When I moved here I “helped” raise two… and that was a handfull at times… but EIGHT!!!  I know that two of them are older, but still…

After that it’s Say yes to the dress… If I ever were to get married that would probably be interesting… but for right now it’s just a program… a half hour wait for LA Ink…
yeah… I think my girl crush is over… I mean, I still am at awe of Kat and her artsy tattoo doings, but it’s more like a fan girl squee thing now… I’d still love to have her tattoo me… but then that goes for Kim, Hannah and Corey too…
What can I say… I want a tattoo… I want one bad… REALLY bad… I’m still looking at future potental tattoos… And I’ve found plenty. At some point in time I might get a yin yang… but for now I’m into flowers. Azeleas, lillies and other pinkish flowers. And then there’s the placement of them… I only have so many feet and legs… lol

So yeah…
This is my sunday… all relaxed… watching tv… I even slept kinda in today… it was really nice.. well..untill the roof started dripping in the next room.. It was raining.. It’s not a really serious problem.. it’s just that if the wind is in the right direction, we get dripping in the next room. But it didn’t last long… hardly saw any water in the bucket, really…

Oh, I took a quiz thing ages ago… “What country should you com from?” and I ended up shoulding (!!) come from Japan… which is just perfect for me. I like Japan. Especially japanese curry XD

Camilla got me some curry block thingies so now I can make LOADS of curry… mmmomnomnomnom…

But now… honk-shu time…ok, not really… me make tea, me thinks…


What are kids learning now adays?

Mood: Sad
Listening to: the sound of my pottet plants screaming as the wind tips them over and stuff… my poor pooor plants… they weren’t even budding..

But yeah..
Over to the real point I’m writing.
I’m getting more and more astounded that kids now adays don’t seem to know anything about sex… well… they do… but they aren’t really prepared for it. Or they are… but not really..
True, at school they learn about periods, hormones and stuff… and that’s all well and good, but you don’t learn true feelings about sex from a nurse person. Heck, we didn’t even get shown how to put on a condom.. All that was said was that it would be wise to use one so that you wouldn’t get preggers or an std or whatever… which is also good…
But there is an alarming increas of babies having babies, and THAT is not good.

Like, not too long ago a 13 year old boy said he was a father and so on… the girl was 15-16.. turned out that the 13 year old wasn’t the father, but he thought he was because they had been in the same bed or something like that… I really can’t remember all the details.. but that the 13 year old thought he was the dad… that was scary…

The thing about sex is that… can’t get all the information at once… because I think your head would explode…
Like… I didn’t know about the neat little toilet visit trip after sex till I heard it on the radio… I think the lady who was talking was a sexologist or soemting like that and she said that to prevent urinarytract infection (sp?) you should go pee after sex… not directly after sex.. you’re allowed to cuddle.. but at least before you go to sleep or do anything else… you should go pee.. the chanses for getting sick with ui goes way down… And it does work..

I remember a woman I went on a work course thingie with… the girls were talking and she was asked why she had missed so many days, and she said that she had had sex with her husband.. had a REALLY banging time, and she fell asleep afterwards… and the next day she was sick.. like really bad sick… Think she said something about it going to her kidneys…
But those things… We didn’t learn about that when I went to school…

And I think that’s the kind of things we should have been told…and the other things, of course..

But I don’t think not talking about this will solve the problem of younger and younger people having sex.
And I don’t think making your kids feel guilty for talking to you about having sex is good.. it’s better to have an open relationship with your parents than pretending it doesn’t excist. I very much excists, and it won’t go away if you don’t talk about it. It’ll only make the kids try to find things out on their own… and that’s when things turn bad.

I guess it’s really easy for me to preach about this seeing as I don’t have any of my OWN kids… I have step-kids, and seeing as I love them as much as I would my own kids, I think I am a little allowed…
And before you ask… No, I’m never having kids of my own…
I was lucky enough to find a pre made family… no need to add more children..

Anyways… my ant is over… but I know I’m going to come back to this… because I’m sure there is more kids out there just waiting to pop them babies out…


What is it with some women?

Mood: Happy happy, lovie lovie
Listening to: Ami James cursing 😮 That never ever happens… I’m shocked…

So yeah…
I’ve had this thought in my head for a long time… What is it with some women that makes men go all gaa gaa, leave their families, wives and shack up with them instead? Especially when that woman is not very smart, and the only thing “good” about the chick is her boobs..
And ok, I get that boobs are a big plus, but it shouldn’t be everything.
And before everyone get all “ooooh… Lene got dumped by a guy…tsk tsk tsk *snicker snicker* ” I didn’t.
True, I had a boyfriend (:o) and we did end it.. well… he really just stopped talking to me etc. But it was really a mutaul break… and later he told me that he had a new gf, and that she was preggers.. and that he found out while we were “dating”. And truth be told. I don’t regret a second having this thing ending…

Anyways… we’re not really talking about me and my past relationship, but about guys who just leave their wives for other women, and why.
If you love your wife deeply, you should manage to stay away from these women even if she’s straddled around you waist, butt nakked…
I know that it doesn’t sound convinsing, but still… There shouldn’t be a problem saying no.
I guess I’m not one to talk about this seeing as though I’m not a dude, but I can still ask, can’t I?

I guess I’m just pissed of at men just dropping everything because of these women, and I have to wonder what’s so damned special about them..
Is it that they are willing to have more sex than their wives? Is the sex better?

Well, my rant is over..
But I’d like to take the time to shout out to all the men in the world who stay true and faithful to their wives.. and give them a thumbs up.
There is nothing better than a faithful man.

*slightly miffified*


Long time no post…

Mood: Tired, but really really good…
Listening to: The quiet rush of the Sunday wind threw nearly budding leaves.

Good day..

I know it’s been ages, but I’ve been home alone this weekend.. So I’ve been stuck on the couch… It was hell getting out of it to go to bed and stuff… but I did it…
And I found out yesterday that my mini acer can’t access my world… Which is totally my fault… And I’ll figure things out..
Loads has happened since last time. For one the swine flue has erupted and everyone seems to be very scared..
I get that it’s a terrible thing. I know people have died from it and I’m truly sorry that people has died. But… I seriously don’t see the big deal. WHO was all “ZOMG, THERE’S A FLUE!! EVERYONE NEEDS MASKS AND STUFF” and people did… but they still got infected or ill, if you will..
And I consider myself a semi informed individual… I read papers… online… and just recently WHO put the world on red alert or whatever.. like.. this shit is going to go pendemonium! Then the news said “Meh, no biggie, really… relax…” And now they say “It’s like the regular flue…”
It’s just like the other flues, illnesses and diseases that has swept the world lately.
Mad Cow
Then… a few people died, I think… the whole of the English cow family got killed off… and that was that..

Chicken flue
Again… people died and then nothing….

Oh.. and SARS…
I can’t even remember if people died from this… I’m sure some did…

I’m not trying to be all “Pfft… people dying… who cares” about this.. I am sad people die from illnesses and all that… I just wish people didn’t go overboard with new illnesses and stuff…
Of course I understand that when the CDC or whatever organisation discovers a new illness or whatever is discovered, they have to let WHO know… and they again have to assess the severity of it and so on, and I know people were dying which again made the WHO have to make a decision about what to do. I’m not a complete block head. I just wish they would have been a little more tackful…
But then, who am I to worry… I don’t get sick.. *snort squeeeee*

Over to something else…
This is my 105th day without a smoke!!!
YAY!!!! *applauds self*
I notice that I still miss it a little… especially after a good dinner… Like I had yesterday… ZOMG!!!
I had the juiciest steaks I have ever laid my hands on… and they were dirt cheap…
I did them very simply… just fried in a pan with some butter and a little neutral oil and then I put them in a oven proof dish and put Camembert on top… like two thin slices on each steak.. and then I put them in the oven till the cheese started to oooze all over it… mmmmm…
It was heavenly… and sooo moist… and the steaks were just perfect.. pale juicy pink in the middle.. GAWD, I loves me a good piece of meat… lol
Oh, and on Friday I had beef and broccoli which we all know is a Chinese dish…

It was alright, but I don’t think I did it right… I’m sure it would have been better if I had some paper for the beef and broccoli to drain on… oh well… next time, eh…

Apparently Jan had a good time too… I think they all got thoroughly drunk.. which is the whole point of going on a mini cruise to Denmark..
Speaking of Jan.. He has a thing growing on his thumb. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before..
well.. anyways… after some time he finally went to his doctor to find out what it was and if she could take it away.. She said no.. but she referred him to a skin specialist in a town 45 min away from here. So on Thursday we got up at the crack of dawn to go to the doctor and have the thing removed. We got there in plenty of time before the appointment, which was at 9am, so he got in early. It didn’t even take 5 min. It cost him 280 Nkr (ca $25 and $43)… and it wasn’t even removed. He has to go to the hospital to get it removed… *head desk* The skin doctor dude said he thought it was a splinter or glass or something (since Jan works with glass) that had calcified in there and that that was it… But I’m sure they will have it checked when they remove it. We don’t even know when he’ll get the hospital appointment. *sighs*

I’m gonna watch a movie now and relax some more… I need all the rest I can get to get over all the rest I got this weekend… phew..
