Mood: Splendid… This Cuba Libre really did the trick..or should I say those… *winky*
Listening to: A lot of things…
Culture Club – Karma Chameleon
Robert Palmer – Addicted to Love
Bruce Springsteen – Dancing in the Dark
Various Artists – Perfect Day
Those are the ones I just “fetched”… *whistles*
So yes… How you doing?
Oh, hang on… Cuba is calling…dang… Fidel just hit me… strong bastard… Cheers!
I wasn’t really planning on making a drunken rant… and I’m not planning to… what I mean is.. I’m not ranting…
I just felt it was about time I divulged what’s been happening this past week.
The course is over… yay… but now all those jobs I applied for that I didn’t really want has started to call back to bite me in the ass.. well, one did… And it was a clothes store… and she couldn’t guarantee that I would get full time… and seeing as I have to rely on public transportation, which is expensive here, I have to have a job which is worth while for me to work at to pay for the bus… and food.. etc…
AND! *80’s dances to “dancing in the dark”*
There is another job I applied for over two weeks ago.. He called me and was all =D because my application was good and unusual. The day he called (a Sunday) he said that we had to get together and talk… and I replied that the following Thursday was good for me… and I didn’t hear back… so on Thursday I wrote another email and he replied later saying he was busy and traveling a lot… and not to use that email, but to use another… and not to call him on that phone number but to use this one… and to call his assistant to set up a meeting… and he gave me her email address… and I sent an email to her saying I’m all open… and I got an email back telling me I had a job interview last Wednesday…
So.. on Wednesday I got there and I have to say that I felt it went crappy…
The job initially is for marketing and sales.. traveling out in the district to businesses to ask them if they want a commercial thingie on the radio.. (I forgot to say that it was a local radio needing people) (from the application I couldn’t see what they really needed, but it looked interesting, so I applied…)
But yeah…. as we talked and stuff they got the impression that I wanted to sit in the radio seat.. like be on the air and stuff… and I have to admit, even though the thought scared the living shit out of me, it would be fun XD
but still.. anything doing with radio, be it behind the scenes, doing research.. whatever… sounds like a blast to me… :3
So yeah… I really don’t think I’ll be getting the job I set out to get… hehe…
And… I think I scared one of the interviewers… at the end he asked me “where do you see yourself in 5 years time?”
and I said, honestly: “I have no idea. I’m just along for the ride, enjoying every minute. I try not to plan too much ahead.” And he looked at me like I was crazy… Like seriously O.O WTF??!?!??!?!
I can’t help it I’m not a planner…. not for the far away future… If I go on a trip, sure I make a list of the things I need to bring… and it serves as a “remember list” for when I leave said place.
But it’s hard to make a check list for 5 years ahead…
So yeah… that was my Wednesday…
Well… except for me finding the coolest yarn known to man XD
So I promptly started to knit me a new scarf… Seeing as my mother made fun of my Dr Who scarf it got depressed and hit itself in the bag it came in… afraid to come out again… I have tried to console it, but it won’t listen to me…
So I’m opting for coloures… and I’m making a scarf…
and it’s coming along quite nicely, thank you…
I have to admit that I just LOVE the colours… and I can’t wait to make the matching, not quite matching, but close, wrist warmers… It’s going to be truly awesome XD
OH, and I’ve figured out what to do if I ever get the radio job.. like the on the air kind of job…
I know I’ll be scared out of my mind… and I’ll stutter and make a fool of myself…
So… might as well have a few drinks before I go on air… XP
Cuba Libre really liberated my tongue on this blog, I’m afraid… *drum crash*
What else?
It’s snowing again… Would be nice if this snow stayed till after Christmas… no… after new year…
So yeah…
That’s what happened…. kinda… there is more.. but wait for it till Sunday… or Monday.. depends what day I’ll remember to round-up… 😉
Anyways… that’s it for me today…
Tune in tomorrow at the same time for more Lene madness =D (no, not really..)