Monthly Archives: March 2010

ikke en bra dag /not a good day


Humør: irritert
Hører på: Pink – Please, don’t leave me

1. Jeg kan ikke ha fine ting. Jeg fikk min nydelige rosa Sony Ericsson w595 igår… og idag klarte jeg å ødelegge den.. Ikke sånn at den ikke funker lengre, men den har noen små riper og bulker her og der.. og skjermen har en liten sprekk…
Den funker jo og er like bra… bare ikke så fin som den var i morges…
2. Damen jeg var hos forleden dag og spurte om jeg kunne få praksis plass hos sendte meg en sms imorges og sa at hun hadde plukket en annen som gikk på samme kurs som meg… Jeg snakket med de som jeg går på kurs med, og ingen av de hadde vært der.. bortsett fra Dori, men hun sa hun var der for 2 uker siden og hadde ikke hørt noen ting…
Så man lurer jo på da, om det er en av de på det andre kurset som har vært der… Time will tell…
3. Jan går i oppløsning 🙁
For ca en uke siden knakk han en for tann… og idag mistet han deler av den andre fortannen… (den har knekt allerede og var limt, støpt og drillet på plass fra før)…
og for å toppe det hele… så måtte jeg GÅ til biblioteket imorges… bare for å finne ut at vi egentlig skulle møte nede ved jernbane stasjonen…. Ekstra mye gåing… Uhørt…
Men Adrian (kurs leder) sa at, som plaster på såret, skulle han lage sjokolade kake til oss…

Men ja… Glad og fornøyd som jeg vangligvis er… blir jo bare litt deppa da… kanskje jeg trenger sjokolade… :3
Jeg har andre steder i tankene da… håper jeg treffer på en av dem…
Oppdatering kommer senere…


Mood: Was annoyed, but after norwegian venting, I’m calmer.. lol
Listening to:  Naked Space soundtrack (the creature wasn’t nice) – I want to eat your face

1. I don’t deserve to have nice things. I got a brand new peachy pink sony ericsson yesterday.. and today I dropped it on the ground and now it got scratches and bumps, and the screen is a little cracked… It’s fully functional and all that, so no worries… it’s just blemishes…
2. The lady from the store where I wanted my internship thing sent me a text message this morning, saying that another girl from the same course came by and that she’d rather use her even though she liked what I had to offer.  So I asked the girls in my course if any of them had been in there and only one had, but that was two weeks ago and she hadn’t heard anything from her. So, that leaves the other group at the course…. and… I think I’ll stop there… less said the better, me thinks…
3. My Jan is falling apart 🙁
He broke one of his front teeth the other day.. and today he broke the other one… luckily he’s going to the dentist tomorrow, but still… (the teeth were broken before, and they have been glues and cemented and whatnot before… ) And now, if we assume rightly, he’ll get two veniers (sp?) put on.. and THEY are NOT cheap…
and 4. to top it all off I had to WALK to the library today… and when I got there we found out we were supposed to met at the railway station…. so we had to WALK down there… well, the others did… I hitched a ride with one of the girls in my group ^_^
But then Adrian said that he would bake us a chocolate cake to make it up to us…

But I just feel really deflated today… I’m usually abnoxiously cheerful, and I still am… just a tad moody, I guess…

anyways… I’ll keep you all updated… on my cellphone… my chanses of interning somewhere, and I think I’ll be less excited next time… and Jan’s mouth…

Take care

New and improved

Humør: Kjempe Glad =D
Lytter til: Elton John – Rocket man

Ja, jeg sa at jeg ikke kom til å skrive på Norsk, men siden jeg har fått norske lesere så kommer jeg til å gjøre det også nå :3
Ikke det at det kommer til å bli så veldig mye mer jobb for meg, egentlig.
Men ja… grunnen til at jeg er i godt humør. Jeg kan kanskje ha fått meg praksis plass =D
*krysser fingrene*
Jeg stakk innom Mørstad Senteret og fant en butikk som Adrian (kursleder for Delta som jeg er på kurs hos… lærer om Kundebehandling og butikk saker… hehehe ) foreslo for meg. Og siden han er en ganske så smart fyr, så hørte jeg på han og stakk innom Galleri 22… Den er ikke åpnet offisielt ennå, men den var åpen sånn at folk kunne komme innom og se hva de har. Og glad er jeg for det. Snakket først med en veldig koselig dame mens jeg ventet på butikksjef/daglig leder.. og da hun kom spurte jeg om hun kunne tenke seg å ha en på praksis plass der. Så jeg gav henne noen papirer, deriblandt CV’en min, og hun virket ganske så positiv. Praksisplass tiden og butikken åpner på samme tid… Så ja, jeg tror faktisk hun drar nytte av å ha gratis arbeidskraft der ^_^
Håper det går bra…

Og jeg har fått meg en ny hobby. Vel, egentlig ikke ny. Men jeg har begynt å strikke… igjen… MEN!!! denne gangen klarer jeg/har jeg lært meg å strikke tommel, så nå kan jeg lage pulsvarmere med tommel =D
Er jo egentlig helt genialt XD
OG!!! Jeg så noen kopp/beger isolasjons greier. Altså, de brukes utpå en pappkopp som beskyttelse.. sånn at du ikke brenner fingrene av deg.

Jepp, veldig søt ^_^
Jeg har også andre design i takene… men jeg skal lage de først før jeg legger ut og så stjeler folk det.. *skule*
Eller så er det egentlig ikke så mye som skjer… oppdatering følger XD

listening to: erm.. hang on…. I turned it off..  Hopper Invasion – Sony Ericsson commercial thingie.. and now Norah Jones – Come away with me.

So.. why is Lene so elatede?
She might have found herself a intership place thingie. I don’t know if internship is the right word…
I work at a place, they don’t pay me any wages, I get payed by the unemployment office.
So, I just hope she thinks it’s a really good idea that I start working there… And the store opens the same day the internship starts, so it’s a kinda good thing that I asked, really… Free labour for her.. great help and so on… So remind me to thank Adrian tomorrow for the great advice.

So.. what else has Lene been up to?
Well, there’s always the good old Sunday Movie Ripps with the gang. Every Sunday the gang gather at a site we watch good and bad movies.. and we comment… much like mst3k (if you’re familiar with it) and it’s always a lot of laughs.
I’ve also been busy knitting and making cup holder things… (picture above). Yes, I know I’ve got far too many things going on in my head… But I can’t help it.  If I don’t do stuff I go mad…

Oh, and I’ll be splitting the blog in two from now on. I realised I have actual Norwegian readers *shock*
so to keep them updated too, I’ll be bilingual ^_^

I’ll update later some time..
P.S: I’m getting a new Sony Ericsson W959 Peachy Pink tomorrow =D                                                                        (maybe)

The Day of the Triffids (2009)

The Day of the Triffids (2009) a movie review.. a bit here and there.. not really that well written…

**SPOILER** **SPOILER** **SPOILER** **SPOILER** **SPOILER** and bad language…

is you don’t get it there’s no hope for you…
but to begin..
O! M! G!
I mean.. there is probably some reason why one shoudn’t remake classics, but if the remake has Eddie Izzard in it, I don’t see the problem… I don’t, frankly, care if people find it bad etc.. it has Eddie Izzard in it for fuck sake.
But honestly, it’s not a remake remake, seeing as the meteor shower that made people blind and which signaled the comming of the Triffids in the 1962 movie is in this one a sunstorm. There is still a guy who’s had his eyes operated on, but this guy seems to be a doctor, specialized in Triffids (well, that’s handy). Seems this they have been on earth for ages and has come to a “symbiotic relationship” with humans. And it seems that “Triffid Oil” helped earth from global warming.
But back to the important bit. Eddie Izzard. About 10 min. or so into the moive we meet him on a plane. He was asleep through the whole sunstorm thing so he is the only one on the plane who can see. As soon as he wakes up it seems that he gets the situation and starts saving his own ass. And I love it. You know me. I love bad guys. He was somewhat badguy in “My super ex-girlfriend” but that doesn’t really count because what he did he did out of love. But is it love in this movie too, me thinks. Love for himself, love of life and wanting to survive and I fankly see nothing wrong with that.
But yeah… he does have that “I am a bad guy” look to him. Even with make-up. I think it’s the eyebrows. They are so devlish XD
But yes… Maybe a little power trippy too, but that alright. I think he might be wanting the “ruler of the world” title, but that’s alright too…
But honestly, besides Eddie and daughter Redgrave it seems they threw everything but the kitchen siink at this thing to see if anything would stick.
For an over two hour long movie it is filled with somewhat boring stuff.
I wonder if they used ome of the old BBC series as a guide thingie too. I never really payed much attention to the series becuse.. well… I like the good old movie best…
I read a, os should I said I looked briefly at a comment thing about this 2009 remake on imDb, and it saud it was shit. This person clearly don’t enjoy the brilliance that is Eddie Izzard. I guess I’m just a huge ass fan of his.
I kinda get the “28 days later” vibe from this. The only thing missing in this movie is that the people who gets killed by the Triffids stay dead and don’t come back to life, which would make it even more thrilling. XD
What I don’t get is why it’s being called horrible when clearly it’s brilliantly made.
ex. As I said Eddie is a bad guy and when he meets Major Roker (Jason Priestley), who wants to help the blind and thus puts spanners in Torrence’s (Eddie) wheels, he does what he sees fit and undermines him, takes over and convinces Jo (Redgrave daughter) to make an emergency broadcast thing on the radio. As he is talking about how pleased Roker will be about it and stuff the camera pans over and several faces of Eddie appears (two faced, double crossing… speaking with forked tongue, if you will (in case it escaped you)).
Well, I thought it was brilliant anyway..
And mother Redgrave is in it too. Not untill the second half. Yes, it’s a two parter. But if I can do it, so can you. Another thing I don’t get is why Venessa Redgrave keeps picking complex, slightly evil, whtout being evil really, charecters. She does them well, I’ll give her that, but I’d love to see her as a sweet lady, for once.
OK. There is only one thing I have to poo-poo upon in this second half.
In the first half the good doctor gets sent away by Torrence and he in turn tells Jo that he died. And, of course, she believes him. But then she realises he’s full of shit and runs away. They, the doctor and Jo, eventually meet and they are all =D, laughing and other happy stuff. And then she gives him his belongings and they dance. Like you always do.. right? Well, I do… whenever my Jan comes home from work we always dance <.< And second half, not so fun, even thought you get the conclution to the whole thing.. They run away to the Isle of Wsomething... there they start to take out the Triffids and they all live happily ever after... And in the second half you get less Eddie.. and you jus tknow he's going to die because of his assholery... All in all... I liked it. If you're not into the whole sci-fi thing and have no idea who Eddie Izzard is then you probably won't like it.. lol But I still think it's worth a gander.