Monthly Archives: January 2009

…. I’m good …..

Mood: Quite good…
Listening to: NOSSING!!! (nothing)


I’m still not smoking… I have to admit I broke down last night and had a puff, but it didn’t taste good at all, so I had like half of one… and to be honest, seeing as I didn’t like it, I don’t see it as a major setback. And I won’t put the “days without” back to one… seeing as I didn’t smoke a whole one.
So that means 8 days without… and I’m proud. But I do see that my food intake is getting larger… I’ll have to monitor that and do something about it. Maybe I’ll start eating sugar free candy or something instead.

A new feature on my blog is Blogroll… even though it says Blogroll it IS THE AWESOMEST SITES EVER MADE… well, not really… but they are cool… and seeing as Camilla helped me yet again, hers was the first up :3
I have planned to link other sites, but there are a few owners I want to ask first. Maybe they don’t want to be linked or something. So yeah… more links coming, hopefully… If not then… well… I tried…

Other than that nothing much has happened, really, since last time.
Well, there is this really cool site I found which has LOADS of b-movies. I absolutely love it. One of the reasons is because it had one of the movies I’ve been searching my ass of to find. But I have it now, and pretty soon I’ll, hopefully, be watching it on my tv. And OF COURSE I won’t be selling the dvd.. that would be wrong, and I don’t do wrong things. Well, not anymore… seeing as smoking is directly linked to human trafficing and slavery… How? I have no idea… ask the american people who made the anti smoke ad…

Anywho… I’ll be seeing ya..
Take care…



Mood: doing ok.. considering…
Listening to: Jan is watching fast downward skiing on tv.. and I don’t have music on… wish I did… Hang on…
Listening to: Vide Cor Meum (the Hannibal Opera thingie from Hannibal that was in the Hannibal movie… <.< )

The unemployment office is still at it. They insist on handing me money… which I’m fine with.. if I didn’t have to pay it all back when they finally get their thumbs out their asses and DO something about it. Yes, I’m pissed off… I’ve told them threee times now.. WHEN are they gonna straighten things out??? It would be easier if they could just give me a number to the people who dish out money so that I could call them and say “STOP EEET!”

Another reason for me being all twitchy and irratable might be because my hormones are all over the place… pretty soon that time of the month…. AND ON TOP OF THAT I DECIDED THAT I WOULD TRY TO QUIT SMOKING!!!! *rawr*
It’s day four now and I’m all GIMME SOMETHING FOR THE EEEEDGE!!! D:
My boyfriend is also trying to quit, but he’s going to do the a little at a time approch rather than the cold turkey, which I did… Maybe I should just… once a day…. like right after dinner… that’s when the craving is worse… Although, I wouldn’t say that I smoke all that much anyways.. I have on avarage like 8 a day… and if I cut it down to one a day… that wouldn’t be too bad…would it???? And at least I know I can go four days without anything… I just need to find something to chew, I think.. something to occupy my mouth… lol (And I urge all the dirty minds in the world NOT TO GO THERE!)
I’ll keep you posted on my progress and setbacks, cause I know there will be some… Maybe I should take up drinking instead… at least I’ll be well hydrated… unless I drink g&t which I intend….or Jägermaister… vodka…

Anyways… thus far I’m doing well… Like I said, I’ll keep you posted…



P.S: Congrats, Obama, for finally taking office… :3
I was listening to the radio the other day, 24 hours after you had been inogurated (sp?), and the guy on the radio said “24 hours, eh? *small pause* I can’t see any change yet…” and I was thinking… Bush took 8 years to fuck up the country… give the guy a minute… jeesh…
True, there hasn’t been any major change YET, but I think it’s coming… and for the better…

There’s a bright golden haze on the meddoooow~~~

Mood: Somewhat relaxed
Listening to: Hart to Hart on the tv… it’s an old tv-series… 80’s… Loved that show… :3

Good day..
I got home from the unemployment office and the meeting with my new case worker went ok. I got the answers I needed, and I hope that this time she’ll manage to get the money people to have a look at my case..
The course, for me, is over, it seems. Unless I want to go there and not get payed… which I don’t want to do, seeing as I won’t get payed… And basically… I don’t need them to yell at me for not doing things their way.
The reason the course follow up is over is because the unemployemtn office only get so much money a year, and they don’t know how much money they get the next year, so they had to stop me getting money etc. because they don’t know how much they’ll get… But I’m guessing that there’ll be a new course for me in the near future… The joy…
On the other hand I guess this fuck up in the history of fuckupery, isn’t such a big fuck up after all… so I guess I should call off my dogs and stop griping when it comes to them…. but they are such an easy target, seeing as they do so many things wrong… I was reading in the news yesterday that a woman who was unable to work at all couldn’t get disability from them because they said she was fit to work, even though a handfull of doctors had told her, and documented it very well that she couldn’t… she was told by the unemployment people to go to social services or wellfare or some shit like that…

Well… I guess that’s all I have to say right now.
I’ve been standing outside, waiting for the bus for 40 min. I couldn’t be bothered to walk up Vandug Hill… even though it’d take me just as long to walk up… I just didn’t feel like it.. And f I had walked, I wouldn’t be able to read Watchers by Dean R. Koontz… I love that book… even though I’m not done yet… *sighs* I want a Golden Retriver… female.. and I want to call her Neela… and I want a cat… actually two cats… Forman Miao and Totoro…
But Jan don’t want cats… and he wants a rottie again… Actually… I really want a Corgi… <3


Well, I’ll probably write again when I have more to talk about… so…

Baibai for now


Here’s to hoping….

Mood: Somewhat ok, I think
Listening to: Nothing… well.. the tv… some chick being all ZOMG, I’M SO SAAAD! D: *cry* about something… *shrugs*

Hello :3

Tomorrow I’ll be visiting with my brand new caseworker… and here’s to hoping she’ll manage to clean up the unholy mess the last one made of things…
I’m hoping she can answer with sertainty if I’m really done with the course follow up or not… that she’ll be able to move the money problems along and all that..

Anyways.. I’ll be giving you an update when I get home tomorrow…

AND I’m trying to add pictures to my posts now… Camilla is graciously trying to talk me through it… hehehe
Oh, I see…. my server thingie or whatever is against me…. it won’t upload my pictures.. so now I have to wait for the next version to come out, it seems… unless Camilla has an answer for this too…
But I have to go though Photobucket… but that’s not like the worst thing that could happen… XD
I is happy nao….



I really think…

Mood: Slightly pissed
Listening to: Nothing at the moment…

Good morning.
I went to the unemployment office today to clear some things up… Like if I were to go to the follow-up course, if I have to pay back the money the unemployment office over payed me… twice…
So I went there, talked to some guy, and I don’t think he understood me. He went to talk to some other person who came back and I don’t think he understood me either. How hard is it to understand that I was going to a follow-up couse before christmas and I want to know if I still attend the course, because it said on the note I got from them back in August last year that it was 4 weeks course and 6 months follow-up… and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that august to december is NOT 6 months… So they said I didn’t have a course to go to.. even though I think they misunderstood everything… so I didn’t go today. If I get yelled at got it, I’ll blame them. The follow-up thingie is supposed to end in february or march… They need to figure things out down there… seriously… So the guy finally said that I had a meeting with my caseworker next week to figure everything out. Oh… and I now have yet a new caseworker… *sighs*
I showed the guy the money thingie and told him that I was sure I got too much money from them, and he looked at the email the person I talked to about it way back in november of last year wrote to the person who was going to figure out of I had gotten too much money or not,  and just handed it back and said that I had to talk with my caseworker about it, after I had asked if I should talk to her about it. He didn’t even tryyyyy…

I’m so disappointed, yet not surprised at all.  I just really want this over and done with…

Over to something a little more fun… :3
Camilla and I went shopping on tuesday… I finally got two pairs of pants, really cool XD and I love them deeply…
And I got new Hello Kitty socks. Bright pink/black, bright pink, black and black/white striped, black/red and black with red hearts… and I got leg warmers… I kinda look like a dancer now… and some how so very not…
And I got a bamboo steamer… I so wanted one for so many years… and finally I found one.. XD AAAND chinese five spice… So now I can start making my peking duck XD
I got almost everything I need… The only thing I’m missing is vinegar, dry cherry and honey… I’ve also decided that I’ll be making the over-long-period-of-time duck… It’ll take me hours and hours, but I bet it’ll be worth it…
AND Camilla and I were followed by Totoro yesterday. No matter where we went, there he was.
and if I knew how, I’ll paste a picture of him here…. but since I still don’t know how to do it, it’ll have to wait.


But now I’m going to play me some Zomg… I really like that game.. even though some people are ruining it for everyone else.. but hey.. I guess this is true with all online games…

