So, what’s really going on in your life, Lene?

Mood: Pretty good. I’m at the tail end of a small cold.
Listening to: EpicNameBro playing Demon’s Souls.

Things have happened. I’m not going to lie. Jan turned 50 years old on May 17th and we went on a mini cruise with his kids to celebrate. Camilla also brought Hiep along, and it was all very lovely. We left on the 16th and came home on the 18th. When we got to Kiel on the 17th the weather was just fantastic. We got a little shopping done and among it I found Captain Morgan Spiced Gold. I bought 4 bottles. We did the math and figured out that buying those 4 bottles I would pay about 100 kr more than I would for ONE bottle in Norway. Roughly.
I was talking with my dad about it last night and we agreed that the politicians who decide what we’re allowed to pay for alcohol in Norway, they aren’t FOR the people. They are for themselves. They get payed the big bucks so they don’t have to worry about the things that us, the little people have to.
And this again makes it very hard to know what to vote for since whatever party says they want cheaper alcohol will get railroaded by Kristelig Folkeparty (Christian Peopleparty) who seem to think that we are mindless cheep who cannot be let lose in the ways of alcohol. So then, arguably, since state and church has been separated in Norway, they should stay away from politics.
Honestly, I have no idea what I need to vote for. I could give a blank vote to show my disagreement with the united politics of all parties. It is tempting.
Enough of that crap!
I think I wrote earlier, a few months back, that I started knitting a sweater.

No, that is not me… but it is the sweater I was knitting. I picked dark grey and lighter gray for the heart.
I finished knitting the back piece and came to the neck. I had no idea what to do, so I waited till we visited the family at Easter when I handed it to my mum so that she could help me. She did, of course, cause she rocks. I then started the front piece and got to the heart. My mum said I had to do something strange with the heart so I just handed it back to her and said she could have the honors or finishing it till they come to visit this summer.  I cannot wait to see how the end result is.
What else….
I started reading “World War Z” after having heard about it on the Rooster Teeth podcast. They keep talking about it, especially since the movie is coming out soon. I started reading it the other day, but since I only read after I’ve got to bed I haven’t gotten that far… and it’s in English, so I don’t have to worry about getting annoyed at bad translations. So far the book is great! That said I should also mention that I’m only about 20 pages in or so 😛
I’m also still trying to find The Thing (prequel to the 1980 something one) on TV. Yeah, yeah, I know.. Netflix blah blah blah. I don’t have Netflix. We pay enough money already for a handful of movie channels and it should be there! I’ve already seen them show it once, but WTF! Why not one more time for those who missed it the first time around. I’ll wait. I also want to watch Prometheus. I haven’t heard good things about it, but it’s an Alien prequel, damn it!
I’m also trying to get myself a Playstation 3 500G. I’m waiting for Jan to talk to a friend of his who was going to check out some prices for me. It seems like he either forgot or something… It’s starting to frustrate me. I want to play Dark Souls!!! Jan is also pretty good at procrastinating when it comes to asking people about things. I have no patience when it comes to things I really want. I think it’ll end with me going “Fuck it!” and getting it online somewhere.
I know I’ve been talking about it for a long time, but it’s taken me some time to save up money… and I was also waiting to see how much of the saved money I had to use for back-taxes. So I’ll get my Ps3 and then start saving again. I’m pretty sure I have to pay next year too.
Next year I could use the leftover money for tattoos. That’s a great idea =D
I really can’t think of more. I’m sure I’ve forgotten loads, but there will be other days.

Take care.


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