Mood: Somewhat relaxed
Listening to: Hart to Hart on the tv… it’s an old tv-series… 80’s… Loved that show… :3
Good day..
I got home from the unemployment office and the meeting with my new case worker went ok. I got the answers I needed, and I hope that this time she’ll manage to get the money people to have a look at my case..
The course, for me, is over, it seems. Unless I want to go there and not get payed… which I don’t want to do, seeing as I won’t get payed… And basically… I don’t need them to yell at me for not doing things their way.
The reason the course follow up is over is because the unemployemtn office only get so much money a year, and they don’t know how much money they get the next year, so they had to stop me getting money etc. because they don’t know how much they’ll get… But I’m guessing that there’ll be a new course for me in the near future… The joy…
On the other hand I guess this fuck up in the history of fuckupery, isn’t such a big fuck up after all… so I guess I should call off my dogs and stop griping when it comes to them…. but they are such an easy target, seeing as they do so many things wrong… I was reading in the news yesterday that a woman who was unable to work at all couldn’t get disability from them because they said she was fit to work, even though a handfull of doctors had told her, and documented it very well that she couldn’t… she was told by the unemployment people to go to social services or wellfare or some shit like that…
Well… I guess that’s all I have to say right now.
I’ve been standing outside, waiting for the bus for 40 min. I couldn’t be bothered to walk up Vandug Hill… even though it’d take me just as long to walk up… I just didn’t feel like it.. And f I had walked, I wouldn’t be able to read Watchers by Dean R. Koontz… I love that book… even though I’m not done yet… *sighs* I want a Golden Retriver… female.. and I want to call her Neela… and I want a cat… actually two cats… Forman Miao and Totoro…
But Jan don’t want cats… and he wants a rottie again… Actually… I really want a Corgi… <3
Well, I’ll probably write again when I have more to talk about… so…
Baibai for now
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