Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice

Mood: Slightly irritated
Listening to: Police – Every breath you take (it’s on the radio… and I’m at the course.. it’s not my choice)

Good morning…
I’m pleased to say that I finally got the money the unemployment office owed me… only problem now is… THEY GAVE ME TOO MUCH!!!! -_-
So yes… I have to go back today to talk to them AGAIN…  *sighs*
Mataku… *headdesk*
Also I have to visit work today… I have to pick up some stuff and get myself updated…

AND I’ve written two movie reviews… but I haven’t bothered to post them yet… but they are coming.. I guess I’ll try to stay away from Gaia’s ZOMG and actually DO something… But the game is fun… at least I think so.. The only problem is lagging, but i’m sure they’ll get better servers soon and then things will run smoothly… Right now I’m really annoyed at the quest I’m going… I’m trying to kill a doll, but it won’t show its face, so killing it is hard… so I’m orb hunting instead… might as well, really… my rings need the juice… lol

What else has happened??? I really don’t know…. Nothing, really…
Well… anyway… I’ll update this when I have more to write about… Most likely I’ll be home by then :3

Till later…


Yes, I am lazy… and I was really knackered last night.. or yesterday…after the course…
But good news about the course now… we can choose if we want to go there or not now…
I still want to go, cause even if I don’t get a hell of a lot of money for going there, I do get money..
Yes, I did go to talk to the unemployment office, and they said they’d look into it… and as a very smart friend of mine said “You’ll be 80 before they work the mess out…”
Other than that I don’t think I’ve missed anything…
Oh… I’m working monday and thursday next week… YAY!!! XD

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