
Mood: Miffed.
Listening to: Barenaked Ladies – Odds are… which makes it pretty difficult to be miffed… but here’s the story:

So the Norwegian Statistics thingy have been hounding me for ages, trying to get my opinion on things. I gave them an “interview” ages ago on politics. It was right after an election and well.. I was bored and I had 15 min to spare. And I thought that was that. Lately they have been calling me on the phone, trying to get in contact. Thank god for caller ID. So no, I haven’t talked to them.
So this went on and on… about a month ago or so an old dude showed up on my door saying he was from the Statistics thingy and asked if he could get an interview. I said it was not a good time, seeing as Jan wasn’t at home.. and seriously, I don’t invite strange men into my house when I’m alone. I’m not stupid. So he asked if we could do it the day after and I said I had to work.. and he asked if we could do it the following week.. and I said “I have no idea how I will be working the coming week”. So we decided he’d call me so that we could agree on a time… he would be in the area the following Tuesday so we could talk then… I’m not ashamed to admit that the first thing I did was to get a hair appointment that Tuesday. I needed to get it done.. and my hair looks fabulous.
So I didn’t hear from him. I saw they had called from the thingy, but my phone was silenced so I missed the call… Ops.
So.. yesterday I was at work, doing my working duties. And I saw in my peripheral vision that there was a guy standing not far from me. I was thinking it was a guy waiting for his wife or something. So when I finished ringing up the costumer I was with I looked up at the guy and he walked over to me. The second I saw him I thought “Oh, fuck.” The second thought was “Why the hell is he here?” Yeah, it was the guy from the thingy. AT MY JOB!!!
WHAT THE HELL!?!??! Are they really THAT desperate at getting my “input” that they are hounding me at work? I should probably call it stalking.
So I told him that if I had known it would come to this that one time I gave the interview back in the day I would never have done it in the first place. And he got all “what? You’ve given an interview before?” Well, duh. And then he promised me that if I gave the interview now it’d be the last time. I just shot him down. I said no. I found it so incredibly disrespectful to seek me out at work to get an interview that I don’t want anything to do with them. Seriously!!!
So when the guy walked away my co-worker; Anne Kathrine, gave me a look like “WHAT THE HELL?!??!?!” and I said kinda quietly “I’m going to lunch now….”
Both she and Hege, other co-worker, said I should contact them and ask if it is common policy to visit people at home and at work to get an interview. Personally I just want to be done with it.
Later I talked to the security guard and he told me to be careful, cause there are a lot of cooks out there (because.. apparently someone shit on the floor in the grocery store.. not that it makes someone nutty, but honestly. Who shits on the floor, for one.. and second; if it was a kid that did it… what the hell were the parents up to and why the hell didn’t they do something about it? That’s seriously nasty). So when we left work last night we had a security guard to watch our six. It was a whole co-op thing. Armed Pinkerton guards and everything. Army, Navy Seals… the works.
No, I don’t fear for my safety. I’m not going to overreact and attack whatever makes a noise in the house because of this. Unless I see this guy again, I’m not going to worry. I seriously doubt he’ll come back again. If he does, then I’ll call and all that. Then it’s started to get serious seeing as I told him pretty clearly that I didn’t want to take part in this.
So.. That’s about it, I guess.

Anyway… be great to each other


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