Mood: Splendid
Listening to: …well…. Die Hard on TV….
Yeah, I just got back from seeing Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince…
To be honest, it was a good movie… although, of course, WB couldn’t help but change things… Oh, and before I go on… SPOLER ALERT!!!!!!
WB cockup… They did actually do a good job of following the book…. but… the Weasly house… WHY, and I do mean WHYYYYYYY did they blow the house up? It had NO meaning… There was absolutely NO point to it what so ever!!!!
My guess is that they had a period in the movie filled with no action time and decided “Meh, boring here… we need action… let’s burn the house down…” “Yeah, that’ll work…”
No, it doesn’t… it’s just annoying… This means that the house will either be miraculously restored for the next movie when the wedding happens OR the Weasley’s move somewhere without a forwarding adress..
I think that WB didn’t think about how Ron will be able to go on the advanture thingie with Harry… He’s supposed to be home from school.. having Dragon Pox or something… but he tought the house moaning spirit thingie to imirate him or whatever… if the house has been burned to the ground, the spirit thingie is gone too…
I guess I’m being way to chritical… this is the wizarding world we are speaking of, after all… lol.. anything can happen..
The best part, by far, to me, was when Ron was all lovestruck… Ruphert Grint is a very underastimated actor… He is good…
But now I am off to bed… Animal Crossing can’t play itself, you know…
Oh, excitement there too… I caught every bug there is in town not too long ago… I was very happy… lol