Mood: Oh, so goooood…
Listening to: Watching tv… so it’s an australian lady working for the Australian Boadercontroll.. the show… you know… if you don’t then… too bad for you… It’s a good show.. very interesting…
My Venus Flytrap isn’t growing…
I planted the seeds like two weeks ago, and I haven’t seen anything yet… 🙁
It should start to buud soon, I hope…
I know that it says that it’ll take 4-6 weeks… but I should see some kinda of sign of life… right?
Ugh, I suck at growing things…
The groing house thingie I had… I planted, as I’ve said before, strawberries and herbs… The bloody thing blew over right as my basil started to bud, and haven’t picked it up yet..
I really should, tho.. because I need parcley and koriander/celanthro…
Well.. *sighs*
Since last time nothing really major has happened…
Well, apart from my friend Matt had his bday..
I told him on his bday too.. but it’s always nice to REMEMBER things like that… *cough*
I also have plans of making rolls today.. .
And f I do I will post a picture.
Oh, and Jan, my beloved, was supposed to go to Germany on a work thingie today. He got a emergency passport and everything… yesterday he asked the guys he was traveling with if they should travel toether to work and then travel on to the airport, and that’s when he found out that the trip has been postponed. Till NEXT wedensday.
So yeah… all the plans I made for lounging around in my Spa towel has been postponed till wedensday next week… and that’s fine.
Gives me, also, more time to charge my camera.. Jan is borrowing it when he goes, and stuff.
And here we were stressing to get everything he need to travel.. Even got his doctor to write out a thingie for his hip… he later called the hospital he had his last check up on the hip and asked if they could send him a more professional looking thingie for his hip to show costumes or the metal detector thingie at the airport.. In norway it’s easy to show.. in germany it’s harder since the note is in norwegian… but there shouldn’t be a problem saying “I have a false hip joint” and show them the scar.
AAAND!!! His work is looking for a new foreman for his shift.. and he did apply… yesterday he had his second interview.
To be honest. If he doesn’t get it there is something wrong with the people who decides. He is clearly the best choise. Especially if they pick the chick from the confection department. She, I believe, has no idea what he mashines downstairs in the main factory area does. They need someone who knows, and Jan does. He even knows how to operate the mashines in the confection area… And he usually doesn’t work up there.
Well… They’ll deside who gets the job this week… and I know who it should be.
He was passed over before and a butt licking YES man got the job instead.
He’s the kind of guy who favours some people and spend the whole working day talking to them instead of actally working. And goes to sleep in the middle of a night shift.
Oh well.. not my problem…
Anyways.. I should get dressed…
Post picture later if I bake…
2 responses to “Its not growing!!!!”