Mood: I feel like my head and neck is in a vice… and I can’t move… and it hurts… and I don’t like it.. and I want to be put out of my missery… so I guess that would make me… bitchy?
Listening to: Nothing… I don’t even think my head/neck could bare headphones right now…
I don’t know what I did, but I sure as hell know I didn’t deserve it.
Maybe I got this neck pain from taking too much pride in the fact that my boyfriend got me AN ACER MINI (Acer Aspire one)!!! PINK, EVEN!!!! (It even matches my cell phone XD )
I might have this neckpain because of the tiny screen making me slouch over and thus inedvertantly hurting my neck…
But it’s totally draining me, and I want it to go away…
What else…
Oh yeah… I put up a gowth house thingie yesterday.. so that I can grow herbs and stuff in it… I planted dill, Basil, Oregano and strawberries today… I have to see if I can find some parsly (sp?) and Coreander somewhere.. because those will be used LOADS this summer… so yeah..
If I wasn’t lazy I’d charge the camera and take pitures for you… If my lazy goes away the upcoming days, there will be pictures for you… but right now… fhe..
Other than that… nothing new…
But still.. I feel like I’ve forgotten to tell you something..
Oh well.. probably not important…